
What are ACES?

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like their home isn't safe or stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems.

Now is a good time to remind us about the ACES scores that many of our children live with. We are already living in changing times and a higher than normal demand for support.  I am adding some info here in case you are unaware of ACES as well as some ideas to adapt in your home or classroom. 

Tips For Families & Educators: 

  • Focus on creating a safe, stable home.
    • Make days calm and predictable. Setting up routines can reduce stress by helping a child know what to expect each day.
    • Give affection. Show that you care with both your actions and your words.
    • Manage your reactions to stress. If you tend to get angry, yell, or be short-tempered, work on learning skills for how to respond to stress in a healthier way.
    • Or my favorite...Play soft instrumental music, listen to rain music or classical music- it is amazing how music can soothe the soul.
    • Lastly, as we move into the weekend with the predicting snowfall totals, I hope you find a little time to reflect and let go, to refresh our thoughts.  Know that you matter very much!  
    • Spread words of GRATITUDE to those around you! 

If you have any questions about ACES or need help finding out your child's ACES score reach out to a member of our social work team or one of our SEL Specialists. #inthistogether #weareWINdsor