Under the leadership of Dr. Michael Mallery and his outstanding team of S.E.L Specialists, Windsor Public Schools celebrated Social Emotional Day across the district! 

Sage Park Middle School students enjoy team building activities on #SELDay.
Students enjoyed time away from their normal schedules to dive into activities that highlighted the SEL Core Competencies of SELf-Awareness, SELf-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making.

WPS student works on a tee-shirt design for SEL Day.
#SELDay would not have been possible without the day-in and day-out work that is put in by the extraordinary people who have the heart for this very special work!
To our SEL Specialists across the district THANK YOU for infusing our buildings with these very important life tools! You are APPRECIATED! #weareWINdsor 👐🏽

Clover Street SEL specialist pictured with Mrs. Lee.

Dr. Keon Berry, Sage Park SEL Specialist

Ms. Farrah Beatty, SPMS SEL Specialist

Quinn, Dianne, and Melani, WHS SEL Specialists

Kyle Wood pictured with OE students & Mr. Williams, SEL Specialist

Elyssa Kotler, JFK SEL Specialist

Samuel Batchelder, Poquonock SEL Specialist

Ms.Williams photographed with Dr. Michael Mallery Jr., District SEL Coordinator