
Many families that attended our POQ Monthly Assembly last week have requested a copy of the essay that Bailey wrote and read- with permission from her family we are happy and proud to share:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream was that people would be treated fairly and not judge by

the color of their skin. He used words not hands to fight against the law. The law back

then was that white people and black people couldn’t be together like on trains or buses.

And they couldn’t go to the same schools, restaurants, use the same water fountains,

bathrooms, churches, playgrounds and more. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped change the

law. If it wasn’t changed my life would be different, and this is how it would be. I

wouldn’t be able to have the same kindergarten, first grade, or second grade teachers,

because they were white. Nora wouldn’t be my best friend because she is white and I’m

brown. I might not even have been born because my Mom is white and my Dad is

black. And it was against the law for them to be married. I would help people by not

yelling, not using hands and discuss it, and if someone is not kind to me I don’t do it

back because two wrongs don’t make it right.