Sage Park Middle School Ice Cream "SEL"ebration

Sage Park Middle School recently celebrated the winners of their Social Emotional Learning Day with a well-deserved ice cream party. This special event marked the achievements of student teams that demonstrated outstanding creativity, relationship skills, and team work for SEL Day.

On December 23, students from Sage Park Middle School participated in Social Emotional Learning Day, a day dedicated to promoting the importance of social emotional learning, and school culture. This day served as an opportunity for students to practice and showcase the skills they have learned in their daily advisory classes, such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

The half day schedule created and endorsed by Principal Liana Jorgensen, and the programs committee members, SPMS Reading Interventionist and PBIS Building Coach Jennifer Wilson, Family Resource Coordinator Taisha Serrano, SEL Specialists Farrah Beatty and Dr. Keon Berry, and District SEL Dr. Michael Mallery, was intended to provide an inspiring community experience for both teachers and students before winter break. The SEL day consisted of the following SEL activities, a PSA Video Creation, Door Decorating, and Recreational Team Building and Game Time. Students were broken up by Grade level houses and competed against their peers to create an innovative public service announcement designed to spread awareness/education about a topic, while centering a SEL Domain. The Door decorating contest was similar to the PSA, as the teams worked together to design their classroom door with SEL centered designs and messages. Lastly, the game time, was simply a space for teachers and students to build relationships outside of the traditional academic setting.

The ice cream party was a fun and festive way to celebrate the students' achievements and to recognize the hard work they put into mastering these important skills with the support of their hardworking teachers. The following heart felt words of gratitude were sent out to the Sage Park community post event from Jenn Wilson. "I just wanted to thank you ALL for another AMAZING SEL day. I love the community we have built and The day would not have been possible without ALL of you." 

Sage Park has a community of amazing educators working tirelessly each day to build authentic connections with students while integrating SEL into their daily instructional practices. 

Here is a brief recap of the day: