Why Windsor?
The Location
Windsor, Connecticut is a charming town located in Hartford County. Windsor is known for its rich heritage and historic sites. It is one of the oldest towns in the state and holds historical significance. Founded in 1633, Windsor played a pivotal role in the early colonial history of Connecticut.
Windsor is a close-knit community that values its residents' well-being. The town organizes various events throughout the year, including fairs, parades, and cultural celebrations. Additionally, Windsor's educational system is highly regarded, with several schools serving the community.
Windsor is a place of natural beauty and educational excellence.
About Windsor Public Schools
Nationally and regionally recognized academic performance
Innovative and challenging environment for educators
Strong support for beginning teachers
National Leaders in Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Comprehensive professional development opportunities
Local colleges for those seeking advanced degrees
Local supplement in addition to state base salary
Variety of fringe benefits
WPS constantly hires qualified candidates for support positions in the following categories: teacher assistants, system and school-level secretarial and technological services, school nutrition, bus driver, custodial and other district-level maintenance categories.
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