Windsor High School Athletics

Mission Statement: The Windsor Department of Athletics are committed to working with the student-athletes, their parents and the community in the promotion and pursuit of excellence in education and sportsmanship by providing opportunities for student-athletes to participate in programs that are designed to develop meaningful standards of athletic performance, teamwork, social skills, leadership, scholarship, community service and appropriate conduct within the educational and social environments of Windsor High School.
Windsor High School Athletics Quick Facts
Windsor High School Enrollment: 1,149
Varsity Sports: 27 (Including Unified Sports)
Sports Teams: 44 (Freshman, JV, Varsity)
League Affiliation: Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) & Central Connecticut Conference (CCC)
CCC League Titles: 128
CIAC State Championships: 41
2018-2019 Quick Facts:
All-Conference Members: 56
CCC All-Academic Members: 252
Total Number of Participants: 473
Athletic Events Admission Prices
(Games starting @ 5:00 p.m. or later)
Adults $5
Students $3
Senior Citizens $3
Children 5 and under are FREE