Our Office of Family and Community Partnerships Hosted its 2nd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Night. The night celebrated over 2000 hours of service to our WPS students and educators! OFCP Coordinator, Christina Morales, called the event, "...a tribute to the #volunteers who continue to plant š± seeds of love, validation, and kindness in our young people!"
Jen Phelps (Central Registration), Kate Ferris-Morrell (Program Assistant), and Christina Morales (OFCP District Coordinator)
The special night celebrated the 233 volunteers who support our district in different volunteer capacities throughout the year including but not limited to, Watch D.O.G.S (Dad's Of Great Students), Read Across America, Fueling Minds Mentors, Veteran's Day, Dub Dads, and school store, PTO, and more.
Dig Deep (Coach A. Serrano Foundation Honorary Award) awardee, Stephanie Thibeault volunteered for 188 hours for the 2022-2023 school year! Pictured with Principal Lee (Clover), Danielle Batchelder (Director of HR & Business Services), Pricipal Mihalko (POQ), Taisha Serrano (SPMS FRC/Wife of Coch A. Serrano, and Dr. Noha Hady (acting Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services.
Plant the Seed Awardees, Janessa Monteiri (163 Hours at Poquonock School) and Jon Fournier (129 Hours between Poquonock & Clover St. School.
The keynote speaker for the night Watch D.O.G.S. founder, Eric Snow said it best to the volunteers in attendance, #YOU are the difference!
Founder of Watch D.O.G.S, Eric Snow joined us virtually from across the country.
To our amazing OFCP Coordinator, Ms. Morales and her amazing team thank you for implementing programs within our district that bridge our amazing community to our campuses!
Be sure to reach out to Ms. Morales to find out how you or your business can support our students and educators through volunteering! (OFCP Coordinator Christina Morales: cmorales@windsorct.org )