whs oral history project
Daisha Brabham’s African American and Latino Studies Course has been living up to all the hype! The class is already full for incoming 9th graders. From current students to her WHS colleagues, who recently appointed her Teacher of the Year, Daisha is a standout educator with a knack for captivating the hearts and minds of her students.


For their final assessment on Activism in the 60’s and 70’s, students in the African American and Latino Studies Course at WHS conducted oral history interviews with modern day activists working within and beyond the Windsor community. 

former student

Participants ranged from former alumni, current staff members, and community activists from New Haven, Waterbury and Hartford. 

bro German

In preparation for their project, students conducted thorough background research, generated oral questions and conducted mock interviews. 


The goal of the project is to shed light on the stories of activism we have living within our own communities and providing students the chance to create a historical archive to be accessed far beyond their time at WHS. 


The oral histories will be housed at the Windsor High School Library, accessible to future students.

#weareWINdsor 👐🏽