art show 2023
whs art department
Our amazing Art Department Team, Yasmine Forte, Sarah Asplund, Marjorie Renno, Lisa Smith, and Rebecca Wales-Szyluk (Digital Graphics Art).

Year after year our brilliant art department brings our school and greater community together for their annual Art and Fashion Show! It is always great to see what our talented students have been working on and the many ways they are pushing their creativity to astound their audience. 

2023 art show
WHS Art & Fashion Show attendees marvel at ceramics on display. 

shacara cook
Shacara Cook introduces her students at the start of the fashion show. 

Under the direction of Ms. Shacara Cook, our fashion and design students also participated, showcasing their original designs that they have been working on this year. 

fashion and design students during fashion show
Fashion and design students walk during the Art & Fashion Show. 
fashion show

We are proud to present you with our 2023 Senior Exhibit Award Winners: 
2023 awardees
Tyler’s mom
Tyler Hall’s mother receives his awards on behalf of him. (Tyler had to work that evening.) 

Max Coyer Memorial Scholarship Award recipient Yarizabelliz Castro Roman congratulated by Dr. Hill. 

Selma Saeedosman, Central Office Purchase Prize winner discusses her work with Superintendent, Dr. Hill. 

Windsor Pallet and Brush Scholarship recipient Kimora Wynter.

awardees art show 2023
The 2023 Senior Exhibit Award Winners.