Dr. Hill poses with Beth MacDonald and Shannon Blenis during Winter Wonderland, highlighting the teamwork between Windsor Public Schools and the Recreation Department.
Windsor, CT — Windsor’s community came together for a heartwarming evening at the Winter Wonderland event, hosted in partnership by the Town of Windsor Recreation Department and Windsor Public Schools’ Office of Family and Community Partnerships (OFCP). Over 300 residents joined in the festivities, celebrating the strong ties between town and school district programs dedicated to supporting families and students.
Attendees pose for a photo with Mrs. and Mr. Clause.
The event featured a range of engaging activities, including bounce houses, carnival games, and a photo opportunity with Mr. and Mrs. Claus, all provided by the Town of Windsor Recreation Department. Families enjoyed hot chocolate and donuts from a local food truck, as well as reindeer-themed popcorn sponsored by the Youth Services Bureau. The OFCP contributed a state-of-the-art mobile immersive planetarium, a linked-to-learning letter-writing activity, and ornament decorating supported by the district’s Family Resource Coordinators.
Family Resource Coordinators Julie Figueroa, Beth Abbott, and Taisha Serrano pause from assisting with letter-writing activities to enjoy some hot chocolate and donuts at Winter Fest!
“This event is a shining example of what we can accomplish when we come together for our community,” said Gianna Gill, Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator for Windsor Public Schools. “We are fortunate to have such a strong partnership with the Town of Windsor Recreation Department, especially during times when resources for recreation programs are stretched thin. By uniting our efforts, we put families and students where they belong—at the center. Stronger communities lead to better schools, and better schools create even stronger communities. Together, we’re building a stronger community where education, social-emotional learning, and physical health are prioritized across district and town lines.”
The proud Principal of Clover Street School stopped by Winter Fest to lend a hand with letters to Santa!
Shannon Blenis, Town of Windsor Recreation Program Supervisor, emphasized the shared mission: “We are all servicing the same families and students. When public entities like recreation departments and schools speak the same life into our students, we create consistent messaging that strengthens our town. Events like Winter Wonderland are proof of what we can achieve when we work as one.”
Families pose outside the school district’s portable immersive planetarium, a Winter Fest highlight!
Superintendent Dr. Terrell Hill also highlighted the importance of collaboration: “When our schools and town programs work hand in hand, we create opportunities for families to connect and thrive. Last night’s event truly exemplified the power of community.”
A joyful participant takes a ride down the North Pole-themed bounce house slide at Winter Fest!
Winter Wonderland demonstrated the impactful outcomes of Windsor’s commitment to partnership. As families explored the planetarium, wrote letters, and decorated ornaments, the unity of purpose between the Recreation Department and OFCP was evident in every interaction. The event serves as a reminder that by working together, Windsor is fostering an environment where families and students can flourish.
For more information, contact: Gianna Gill
Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator
Windsor Public Schools
Email: ggill@windsorct.org